The Positive vibe

In today’s day and age where people just don’t find a reason to be positive, a positive vibe is indeed a need of the hour. The positivity in people has become dormant. As soon as you switch on the TV or open a newspaper, the first news you get is about terrorist attack, or a rape, or murder or petty fights between the politicians on petty issues and the media making big news out of it to increase their TRP. You don’t find any reason to be positive.

But there is still a hope that there are some people out there, which set an example. It may be to a handful of people, but their good deed is being paid. They are your teachers, your parents, your friends or someone who is totally stranger to you. One such person who to me spread a positive vibe everyday in my life is my little daughter… Ever since she has come to our life, we have something to look forward to, and something we as parents feel proud of.

Passing every milestone, dazed and amused at the sound of a small toy, curious to know where the sound is coming from. And when she eventually finds out, she, with a proud feeling, claps for self. That’s innocence. Every step is a learning curve for her , the other day she was trying hard to get down the bed, she tried and fell down several times, till she found a way without falling down . She teaches me a lesson to never give up till the end. Isn’t this a positivity she is spreading?

Ignorant of the world outside, this little angel just makes us forget the negativity outside and spreads love, an unconditional love, which she can’t express by words as of now, but by her actions. Her eyes searching for me and when I am in front of her, her eyes beam like a million stars. And I enjoy every bit of it, with a smile on my face always. Isn’t this a positive vibe?

Right from the day she was born, she is like a little box of surprise, bringing in the new hope, A hope of making her a great human being, a great woman, a great wife and a mother, Spreading the positive vibe to everyone not with her looks, but by her good deeds, her actions and being an inspiration to many.

As long as writing a story about someone who has done something for the people and inspired many, well! There are many and writing about one particular person would be injustice. SO the crux is that humanity has not ended completely, there are people who have lit the candle of positivity and it will pass on with the generations to come , because the day the positivity is completely washed away from the hearts and minds of people, that day no one can stop the disaster.

And so as a responsible parent, I will pass on the candle to my girl to keep the humanity and positivity intact. And if everyone does that, I am sure, no one has to search someone from outside, who has inspired you, and they are right under your nose. You just have to imbibe the right values.

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